local delivery with smith brothers farms.

local delivery with smith brothers farms.

With baby #2 quickly approaching, I’ve been trying to get the house as organized and streamlined as possible and that includes meal prepping. With a toddler and newborn in tow, I’m worried about finding time to do simple tasks like go to the grocery store. That’s why I was so excited to discover Smith Brothers Farms, a local family-owned and operated farm that has been serving the greater Puget Sound area for more than 90 years. They have grown to be one of the largest independent dairies in the region, processing and delivering the freshest milk and select Northwest products to more than 50,000 homes every week.

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how to balance family life.

how to balance family life.

As a family of three who is about to become four, this topic has been on my mind for quite some time now. But the question is - how do we balance it all? Even before kids I remember it being hard to find time to fit everything in and then you add a child into the mix and you better buckle up! But, I would like to think we’ve done a pretty good job of balancing it all. And today I’m sharing how.

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